Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Do you write about crime? Swim with the Guppies

I recently had the privilege of being interviewed by Lourdes Venard, an editor for the newsletter, First Draft. She contacted me after reading EVIDENCE OF LIFE to talk about the book and to ask about my publishing journey which has taken me from being an indie to a traditionally published author. She was interested because First Draft is the monthly publication by and for members of the Guppies, a chapter of Sisters in Crime, who write in several different mystery sub-genres, but share one common goal: to see their work in print. The Guppies became a formal Sisters in Crime chapter in 2005, following years as a Support and Information Group. They share the same mission as SinC, restated a few years ago: To promote the professional development and advancement of women crime writers to achieve equality in the industry.

If you are an author, writing in these genres, and you're looking for information on publishing, whether through traditional channels, finding an agent etc., or through indie channels, check out this site. There is a wealth of information and tons of support. In addition to publishing info and  author interviews, there are interviews with actual crime professionals. I'd share the newsletter (It was fantastic!) but it's for members only.

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